Maw fekemo, ’evengan a solalew zìsìt avopey leru luke tìtxen stum vospxìo avomun. Fìporu syolaw fko Felix Winter. Fìtstxoä ral lu tsatu a ’efu nitram. Krra tsa’evan tìtxen si nì’i’a nìmun trro maw vospxìo avomun, pol snor tìng mipa tstxot aketeng … alu Keteng. Ke lu poru kea ’ok fekemä fu ’ok krrä sre safekem. Ulte lu tuteo a frakem si fte fìtìfkeytok vivar.
Fìtseng sngä’i vur a fkoti fewi, stä’nì sì syep fa slawna’tsua sute, sawnara lì’fya sì ngawnopa reltseo. Tsayrelit alor a eo frahapxì amip mì fuk ’ongolop reltseotul alu Peter Schössow. Fkol tse’a nìyey futa fìpukit ngolop fa tìyawn sì tìno.
Pamrelsiyu alu Andreas Steinhöfel pamrel si fpi eveng nìtrrtrr slä fìpuk, nìngay fìvur lu keteng (lì’uvanit kolan). Hufwa fko plltxe san fìpuk evengur a solalew zìsìt avopey ha’ sìk, ronsrelngop oel futa lie tìusinanä latsu ngäzìk. Txampxìri pukä lu ta klltseng ayfyeyntuä, natkenong sa’sem Ketengä, toktor, karyu, koaktan sì tuté a kelku si asim. Frapol Ketengit zet nìfya’o aketeng. Pori hola tute txopu si, aylahe eltur tìtxen si. Ulte tsari eltur oeyä tìtxen si. Tengfya poltxe oe san fìpuk lu keteng sìk ulte tsa’u sìltsan leiu. Stum olinan oel tsat ka txono a’aw.
Loleiu oer lawnol nìtxan nang. Lu txanatan, txanwawe sì ingyenga’. Maw puk alu Kxamtseng Kifkeyä (»Die Mitte der Welt« nìToitsye) tsaw sloleiu pum a sunu oer frato.
Txo livu ayngar skxom, tsat inan. Law lu oer fwa sayunu ayngar.
Tìoeyktìng Aylì’uä:
luke tìtxen ~ unconscious, without wakeness; bewusstlos, ohne Wachheit.
tuté a kelku si asim ~ neighbour, person who lives near; Nachbarin, Person, die in der Nähe wohnt.
I had fantastic reading experience last weekend. And the reason is a little gem called »Anders« (“Different”) by the German author Andreas Steinhöfel.
After an accident, an eleven year old boy is unconscious for almost nine months. His name is Felix Winter. The meaning of this name is the lucky one. When that boy finally wakes up again one day after nine months, he gives himself a new and different name … namely Different. He doesn’t have any memory of the accident or the time before the accident. And there is someone who does everything that this situation stays that way.
Here begins a story that will chase, catch and trap you by its described people, used language and created artwork. Those beautiful pictures before every new chapter in the book were designed by the artist Peter Schössow. One sees at once tha this book was created with love and an attention to detail.
The author Andreas Steinhöfel usually writes for children but this book, in truth this story is different (pun intended). Although it says that this book is suitable for children from eleven years onwards, I imagine that the reading experience might be difficult. The main part of the book is from the perspective of adults, e.g. Different’s parents, doctor, teacher, an old man and a neighbour. Everybody treats Different in a different way. A few are afraid of him, others find him interesting. And that gets me interested. As I said, this book is different and that is a good thing. I almost read it in one night.
It gave me really great joy. It’s vivid, emotional important and mysterious. After the novel “The Center of the World” (»Die Mitte der Welt« in German) it has become one of my favorite.
If you have the chance, read it. You will like it.